A Southern Harry Bosch meets The Friends of Eddie Coyle
Tonight, Detective John Kelly will lose everything - career, freedom, lover, maybe his life. But today, he can save a young boy from a sexual predator. And that’s what counts.
  • Genre Mystery, thriller and suspense
  • Status Available now
  • Followers 257
  • Pages 270
retired as a lieutenant from the police department in Alexandria, Virginia, where he was twice named Officer of the Year for drug and robbery investigations. Before that, he was an award-winning newspaper crime reporter.

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Tonight a cop loses everything. But today he can save a kid.

Detective John Kelly was a solid professional until he failed to stop the murder of his kidnapped niece. Kelly’s family thinks he did nothing to punish her killer, who died before trial, but Kelly can’t confess the secret, shockingly violent thing he did, a secret about to be dug up by his fellow detectives. And he’ll be ruined.

Broken, twitchy and hung over, Kelly must push past this threat and focus on a pedophile trial, a slam-dunk conviction except the defense attorney is Rachel Cohen, Kelly’s new girlfriend. Rachel just told him she’s pregnant, but she can’t tell him her job forces her to destroy him on the stand. Rachel also can’t reveal she’s investigating a twisted team of drug cops. While his friends work in secret to save him, Kelly is forced to the breaking point – and beyond.

Do you want to know how cops think? Read this book! Do you want to be a cop? Read this book! Are you a cop? Read this book! Kirkus Reviews called APPREHENSION "Compelling... gritty and authentic," and said author Mark Bergin, "writes with authority and empathy about cops." To see the full review highlight and right-click this address: